Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The C Suffices.

I had this day, today.

It was the kind of a day, that on it's face, was pretty much like any other day here in the Northern State. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, the snow was scattered about the acres, and the temperature was well below zero.

On its face.

Every so often, something comes along and shakes you by your lethargy.

For those of you running for your dictionary (and I say that to establish humorous intent), we define lethargy as something that looks like a collar, but is oh, so much more stangulating.

Yes, I made up that last word.

And yes, I was shookened.

And I made up THAT word, too.

But a light began to shine in my mind for the first time in a sonavabitchlongtime.

To sum up:

A Blank page, or Canvas.
His favorite.

And for that, I'm thankful; and grateful; and stunned; and satisfied.

Thankee, sai.

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