Thursday, January 22, 2009

The winds of change seem to include hail.....

A knee jerk reaction can be disastrous. So, I'm being careful.

I've received some private, not so flattering comments about my views from yesterday. Some people thought I made up the Franklin quote, and surely if you knew me, you'd know that I don't generally make up quotes.

I take credit for my own work, folks.

Some thought that I was showing a lack of patriotism.

And I have to admit, that scared me a little bit.

You see, when the new wind blows, you don't know when it starts whether it blows for good or for ill. A good wind takes the ships home. An ill wind destroys the armada. You need to wait, prepare, and see.

And in the last eight years, there have been many people telling us that it would be unpatriotic not to support the President, as he excised huge amounts of data from the Constitution, and created The Patriot Acts, which systematically destroyed the Government, and the ability of the people to feel anything remotely like freedom.

I voted for Barack Obama; not because he was a Democrat. Not because he wasn't an old white man. Not because he was from Illinois, or a liberal, or because of his amazing ability to speak from the heart, and TO the heart of the American people.

He was the best candidate to save my country.

I hired him to do a terribly difficult job.

And now I wait and see whether he can do it, with or without the help of the supposed allies in Congress, as we get back to a system of Government that includes checks and balances and a division of powers.

And for those of you who are wondering why I'm holding my breath, I'm wondering why we're so easily seduced into the parade without knowing which direction it's heading.

And there are more directions than down, my friends.

Many more directions than simply down.

But here's the lesson: For those of you that graced me with your comments both public and private, I want you to know that they made me think; so, as always, I thank you for the gift. Your views will help to shape mine, and hopefully, mine will help shape yours. Think Globally, Act Locally.

My love to you.


Kizz said...

I don't think you're unpatriotic. I do think you cheated yourself out of an opportunity to feel good about something, for a brief moment, before the vigilance you espouse is required. We're in as much of a shitstorm as we were on the 19th and no one is lying to us about how much work each one of us will have to do to get the hell out of it. The 20th was, I think, an opportunity to fill our hearts with a little natural gas in preparation for the long and difficult journey.

Historiclemo said...

I don't begrudge anybody a good party; but like the young man who sees High School graduation as the end of the journey, I fear that there are people out there that think that the party is the end of the national nightmare.

To Quote the Great and Powerful Bartlett: "Break's Over."

And for those of you reading this, please note that my love and respect for Kizz has never been shaken by a difference of opinion, and I'm sure she feels the same way.