Friday, January 2, 2009

I got nothing.

I've really got nothing today, except I encourage patience today as we all sort through various things that flesh is heir to.

Patience leads to Kindness leads to Love.

But, here's something that came up at work yesterday, at a slow time. I'm very fond of word play and good pun, so I occasionally come up with the names of the Knights of the Round Table that were forced to sit at the Kiddie Table...

The Knights representing the Orient: Sir Ching Hi, and his brother Sir Ching Lo.

Sir Loin, of Beef.

Sir Rosis, of Liver.

Sir Prize, the one you can never really expect.

Sir Valence, who's always watchful.

Sir Cumference, of the Round Table.

Sir Ten, who's always sure of himself.

Like I said, it was a slow period, and the mind goes where the mind wants.


Kizz said...

The mind is very funny.

Misti Ridiculous said...

it really really is.

Gertrude said...

First laugh of the day goes to you Clemo!