Saturday, September 20, 2008

We, the Peeps.

I read all the newspapers.

I read the one that appears on my doorstep...(Bismarck Tribune)
I read the one that appears, lately, in front of my hotel room door every weekday morning....(USA Today)
I read anything that the passengers leave around the area....(New York Times, if I'm really lucky)
And, I read the newspapers online...(Lewis CO, Missouri Press-News Journal, San Luis Obispo, California Tribune)
And I read the "liberal rags" as well...(New Times SLO, Utne Reader, etc)

And I can't get over the letters to the editors, sometimes.....

There's this one fellow out in Los Osos, California, and his name is Otis. And I really think he's the guy who makes the President's approval rating 29%; and I think it's because they poll him more than once. Now, it could be that he's another Lazlo Toth, writing letters in the knowledge that he can rile people up, and that's his only motivation. And it's all right if he does. I'm a firm believer in the individual right to speak their mind, even though I'm in opposition.

But this guy is a piece of work.

His latest endeavor suggests that the editorial staff of the San Luis Obispo Tribune (which he believes is an extension of that conservative whipping post, the New York Times) "deserves to die" for their unfair appraisal of Mrs. Palin's ability to lead, based upon her current resume, in light of the somewhat similar resume of Mr. Obama.

I think it's a bit rude to suggest that someone deserves to die. I'd like to believe that nobody deserves to die, except maybe that guy who cut in front of me in the line at Starbucks yesterday morning, and he should die with festering boils all over his nether regions.

Okay, nobody deserves to die.

I would like to send out a general all five of you who read this, and I see you out there in Columbus, Ohio....don't think I don't! How are you, Morgan?

Anyway.....please, please, PLEASE! Make this a meaningful time, but not a life/death, two men enter, one man leaves, the end of the world as we know it kind of thing. The world will continue to revolve after the first week of November. The country will ebb and flow, fall apart and come together, as it has since George Washington said, "You want me to be what?"

As a wise American once said, "Speak your mind, vote your conscience, support the winner."

And another one said, "We must hang together, or we will surely hang separately."

And one more said, "Wow...I was going to try eight herbs and spices, but the seven tastes pretty damned good."

God Bless America, John Hancock, and Colonel Sanders.


Kizz said...

Have you been watching the John Adams miniseries? I think all of those quotes have come up in the first two episodes, I just watched them. Or maybe you were watching 1776.

I love that Washington was that way about all the things they asked him. "I nominate Washington to be general of the revolutionary army!" "Er...pardon? I'm not so sure that's a good idea."

Anonymous said...

I am reading you. I just don't always have time to say so.-Reg

Gertrude said...

Well the first two things any way... but you can keep KFC. Pluck! Pluck and double pluck!
John Adams is amazing. I love the man who plays TJ.