Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tired, Cranky, Bitter and Low: Attorneys at Law.

Random thoughts:

Is it just me, or does the RNC seem mean spirited? I realize that the general feeling of the Republican party has always been fear and paranoia, but it just seems like they're already on the ropes, and there is NOTHING more scary than an opponent with nothing to lose......

It's tremendously sad to me that Rudy can point to one of the greatest tragedies this country has ever endured as his one shining moment. And I resent with every fiber of my being the idea that only they can protect the country. This is a Karl Rove idea, and as full of hatred as anything uttered in the last ten years.

I'm reminded of a clip from THE DAILY SHOW:

a clip of a Republican debate shows Rudy, saying:

RUDY: If this election is about one issue, it's terrorism.

cut to Jon Stewart:

JON: And if it's about two issues, I'm going to lose....

I think that somebody could make a mint if they put together a clock with Rudy's picture on it, that only sounded guessed it.....9:11.

And in case you're wondering, I still haven't made up my mind. But I will say, for the record, that when I was watching Palin speak, all I could think was, "My God...she's Tina Fey from that Evil Star Trek Universe!"

I have discovered that my advancement was thwarted by a computer, and that no human being even saw my credentials. I kinda knew that was going to happen, but the really maddening part was that even when it was brought to their attention, the powers-that-be informed me that no human being was GOING to look at my credentials, because the computer had already rejected me, and there was no court of appeal after the computer had adjudicated.

Hopping mad, me.

It's raining today. We went from Summer to Fall virtually overnight. Not that I mind. But we never go from Winter to Spring that way.

I'm going to be in the nation's capital starting on the 14th. If anybody is in the neighborhood, let me know. I think I have one day off in two weeks, and I'm pretty sure I'll be tired of my life by then, and in need of some variation.

I'm very glad that the Gustav was less than expected, but just because it was less than expected, let's not call the response a success. And let's not forget that there is still a line of hurricanes waiting at the door.

I'm not sure I mentioned it, but I quit smoking back in June. Another vice I'll crave until the day I die, and people wonder why I have such a rotten outlook on life; it's because everything I ever enjoyed doing (okay, not EVERYTHING, but...) is now on the "bad" list.

And to those who drink Screwdrivers: If you're using good vodka, you're wasting good vodka...and if you're using bad vodka, it's a waste of good orange juice.

And what's with mixing beer with anything? BEER IS NOT A MIXER, PEOPLE!

Okay. I'm struggling a bit.



Gertrude said...

Fantastic title Clemo!
And some pretty fine writing too.
What can I say I am a fan.
RNC I'd be mad too if that is all I had to offer the Nation. A crumbling old War Hero...has he mentioned that? and a man's woman with ski slope hair and a piss pour view of what breasts are actually good for.
I long to go to DC. Please soak in the sights for me.
Good on you quitting smoking.
It sucks and you'll always want one real bad but its way better for adding some years to your time on this planet.

Misti Ridiculous said...

I had that conversation many a time today. Last night was just. . . mean. Shitty mean. tacky and crude and nanny nanny boo boo we are better than you spiteful mean. If I'm correct, there were four main speakers at the DNC who called McCain a friend, hero, et. al.


No, I don't believe you mentioned the smoking quitting thingy. Atta Boy. At. A. Boy.
Nothing makes me want one more than a porch in the Fall. or spring. or summer.