Saturday, October 11, 2008


This guy’s walking down a street, when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep, he can’t get out.

A doctor passes by, and the guy shouts up, "Hey you! Can you help me out?" The doctor writes him a prescription, throws it down the hole, and moves on.

Then a priest comes along, and the guy shouts up, "Father, I’m down in this hole! Can you help me out?" The priest writes out a prayer, throws it down in the hole, and moves on.

Then a friend walks by. "Hey Joe, it’s me, can you help me out?" And the friend jumps in the hole! Our guy says, "Are you stupid? Now we’re both down here!" And the friend says, "Yeah, but I’ve been down here before, and I know the way out."

I love this story, and you may recognize it. It comes from a very good Aaron Sorkin show called THE WEST WING. This is actually from the second season, one of the holiday themed shows, and I've got to say that when they let Sorkin do his thing, there ain't nobody that can touch him.

I've been down a hole for awhile. It's not a terribly bad hole. It's actually a hole I've been down before, and with regularity.....some holes just have a kind of gravitational pull on your ass, y'know? And I know that eventually, I'll remember how to get out of the hole.



Gertrude said...

Holes aren't a bad thing to be down in or inside.

I saw that show you quoted from and I do love Sork.

Misti Ridiculous said...

I miss The Sork. Almost as much as I miss you.
I too, have been down in the hole. I get it. Truly. And am pretty sure we have more company than just ourselves and our voices down here. It's been contagious.
so...until we can grow our fingernails long enough to climb ourselves out...

anyone up for a game of charades? Oh! silly monkey! silly monkey!