Thursday, October 2, 2008

Everything's coming up Thursday.

As you well know, today is the first day off I've had since sometime around the middle of September. As I've said before, it's not something that I was unaware of; I knew it was going to be a long haul, but there were some surprises; for example, the training session in Virginia was a boot to my backside. Several boots, in fact. It was the Radio City Rockettes, booting me at regular intervals, and while I enjoy a good kick line....

So, what happens when your body realizes that the pressure is off for one measly twenty four hour period?

You got it.


I did force myself into some housework. Some things cannot wait; or more to the point, my inherent OCD kicked in, and my and my aforementioned bruised backside hauled itself out of bed and laundried, mowed, recycled, and traveled into town for the semi-annual used book sale at the library.

Found some good stuff. But boy, that room was stuffy. Put me in the mood for some ice cream.

CRAP. I forgot the flippin' ice cream.

I had intended to spend some time with Mr. Holmes today; I have been, as of late, working on something for myself, and Sherlock and I have been going round and round about it. He wants to talk about Hounds, and I want to talk about Irene Adler and Mr. Milverton, two subjects he finds....distasteful.

I may need a nap.

But since today is a random Thursday, let me throw a couple of things at you.....

I was watching television the other day, and a commercial about a pregnancy test came on. Is it my imagination, or are these contraptions becoming more and more like a Magic 8 Ball every day?

Where is Joe Biden? He's getting his ass kicked by that Eskimo-hating, anti-choice, I-need-an-uzi-to-hunt-endangered-species toting, lying thief of a Northern Governor on a daily basis.

And why are the polls so close? Who the hell are they polling?

Can I be reincarnated as Hugh Laurie?


Kizz said...


I think they need to start marketing preggo tests way more specifically. Are you looking for an "OH SHIT I MIGHT BE FUCKING PREGNANT!" test? Or are you looking to buy the bulk box of " PLEASEPleasepleasepleaseplease let it work this time, please oh please oh please." That way the magic 8 ball characteristics can be maximized. "Yippee!" or "Couldn't be that lucky forever" or "Sorry" though it'd be in a different part of the stick for each test.

Too much?

Yeah, probably.


Gertrude said...

Glad everythings coming up even if it is a Thursday.
Thank God you don't need those blue pills.
I'm sorry. Its just the way my twisted little mind works Clemo.