Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mumble Mambo.

I stand in amazement at two things this morning; simple things, actually. The first is the fact that the sun is coming up slower and going down more quickly than it used to, and the second being that I have been so far down in the rut that I didn't notice it.

Actually, it's an interesting kind of sunrise today.....if nature could forebode, then that's what the dawn is sayin' today.

Like a duffer on a golf course, I continue to flail at my current schedule. And I shouldn't complain, because they are paying me quite a substantial sum for working without a break for two weeks. And Lord knows I need it, because I just took a gander at my portfolio, and I no longer need to worry about retirement, because I can't. Ever.

Yes, I know that the economy recovers; but it's like Humpty Dumpty, to my mind; it never quite goes back the way it came apart. And all the King's horses and all the King's know the rest.

I'm trying desperately to achieve some kind of balance, but with every turn of the page there seems to be something that pushes, or pulls, and off I go like some kind of sadistic gyroscope. People are starting to stare. I know that there is a balance here; I'm just not sure if I have the fulcrum placed right. Perhaps I'm working under a faulty hypothesis. There's got to be some kind of theorem for this particular malady.

Until I find the theorem, it's back to the rut, and the grindstone, and the albatross, and the abattoir, and the abbotandcostello, and the whosonfirst, and all that.


Kizz said...

I'm calling it a major success if I get through this life without ever having to eat dog least not regularly.

Gertrude said...

Its like that guy or group of guys that invented the thing... you know the ride standing up thing... with the gyroscope in it... crap it would be a more effective post if I could remember what those things are called.
Well... anyway... I am certain they fell down on their first try and their second try and it probably took a lot of tries before they could ride standing up... without falling down.
So keep trying Clemo. You will indeed get this and be riding standing up without fear of falling down in no time.
I am certain of it.