Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The cherry on my crap sundae.

I have become obsessed with a pocket watch.
It is constantly in my thoughts.
One minute, it's now, the next it's then,
Like some kind of sadistic time machine;
Ever forward, ever forward.

Wish it were a stopwatch.

I've begun to lament the lack of dignity in the world.
My need to take a shower after watching the evening news
Grows with every passing day,
To the point where I'm beginning to feel a little OCD.

My new motto: Love Locally, Vituperate Globally.

And the funny thing is, as cynical as I tend to be...I still believe that the great and powerful OZ is going to lift the veil of Vituperation and Schadenfreude and it will turn out that the world has been lovely all the time.....

Damned pocket watch.

1 comment:

Gertrude said...

Well you have part of the solution right. Time. don't watch the pot though because it won't boil.
And I long for it too.
I am hungry.
Yet another nice piece. Write something that isn't for the rest of us and our egos. Wink.