Thursday, March 17, 2011

May you be in Heaven an hour before the Devil knows you're dead....

Among the known members of my Clan, there are certain days of the years designated as "Amateur Night."

Today is one of them.

And at a certain time of my life, I was among the Amateurs; every year, down to The Office on Washington Street, to imbibe in rememberance of that Holy Saint that introduced the Holy Trinity to Ireland through the use of the Shamrock, and was influential in the extermination of the Druids, who are, in turn, responsible for providing all the holidays that the Christian Calendar have co-opted.

There were no snakes in Ireland.

Up in the UPper part of the Mitten, we also celebrated St. Urho's Day, which was traditionally March 16. St. Urho drove the grasshoppers out of Finland, thus saving the grape crop.

And, if Urho's landed on Thursday, and Patrick's on Friday...oh, it was a FOUR DAY WEEKEND!

St. Patrick's day is a Catholic holiday in Ireland, by the way....and for the Protestant's, Orangemen's Day is July 12. The celebrate King Billy's victory at the Battle of the Boyne.

This post fulfills my requirement to provide interesting but useless information to my friends, relatives, and strangers in the far reaches of Terra Incognita!

May Those That Love Us, Love Us.
And For Those Who Do Not Love Us,
May God Turn Their Hearts;
And If He Cannot Turn Their Hearts,
May He Turn Their Ankles;
So We Can Tell Them By Their Limpin'

1 comment:

VLG said...

Ahhhhh....The Office. I miss it all too. Happy belated St. P's Day.