Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blandom Thoughts.

Okay, let's just give you an update upon my progress.

Tired most of the time. I sleep regularly on Tuesday and Wednesday, and don't sleep at all, usually, on Thursdays going into Fridays or Mondays going into Tuesday. The 'regular' sleep usually requires an OTC pill.

Am looking forward to three things: My vacation in FL with my Father and lovely wife soon, and the ensuing walks along the white beaches of Siesta Key, and perhaps a Grapefruit game...hoping to see the Twins play the Orioles, even though I'm ambivalent about the Orioles and HATE the f***ing Twins.

Yeah..still bitter about losing the division in a playoff game back in '09.

Am also looking forward to going to England sometime in the summer; my first trip out of the country since early in the 90's and my first trip to England (I do not call the brief layover at Heathrow to count). I am going to spend some time in London and a majority of it in Cornwall.

I'll be looking into the life of Reginald John Clemo, a Cornish poet of some renown. And, am thinking of changing my first name to Reggie.

I open a play called SCREWTAPE in less than two weeks. Sure hope I know the lines by then. I also hope this strange ringing in my ears goes away.

Unless the ringing begins to play something I recognize.

1 comment:

Don Winsor said...

Only one thing alive with less than four legs can hear this frequency, Superman.