Sunday, July 6, 2008

Random thoughts with The Band in the background....

Things I should do today:

-Try to impose a bit of order into my office library.
(I always love people who say the word, "liberry." I makes me laugh until I turn red like a strawbrary.)

-Write something besides a blog entry.
(I have an idea running through my head, but it refuses, ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to exit the cranium.)

-Telephone my old friend Don who was just made landfall after a very long stay
aboard a cruise ship.
(Don is a great guy, whose sharp mind and whimsical attitude makes you want to laugh and beat him, sameultimeously.)

-Various household chores
(the word that springs to mind is "nagichim." I thought it was a curse word, and then realized it's just Michigan spelled backwards.)

-Make myself a grilled cheese sandwich and sit on the deck in the back of my house
and make "nyah nyah" noises at the birds and various neighbors.
(This one is self explanatory. I think.)

-Look myself up on, to see if I am, in fact, related to Mayor
(I've always suspected this; I have a love for three piece suits, and my head looks a
little like a burger.)

So many possibilities......and my spell checker is just going to have a STROKE over this entry.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you adieu....


Gertrude said...

Is it possible that I could join you on the deck with the grilled cheese?
I am all in when it comes to sitting and warbelling at the birds.

ChromePlatedGirl said...

We should all have such a to-do list.
love it!