Friday, February 12, 2010

When blinking feels like sandpaper....

If I'm this tired, then it must be Friday.

I don't get much sleep between Thursday morning and Friday afternoon; it's impossible to do that kind of 180 degree turn from nightwalker to daywalker and back again, so instead of sleeping, I find myself staring off into space until it's time to go to work.

The Winter Olympics begin this evening, and I'm afraid I don't have much enthusiasm for the fact, I don't think I've really followed the Olympics since the United States stopped using amateurs.....In fact, I can still recall with almost frightening clarity the '72 summer games, with all of the triumph and tragedy.

When I think about Olympics I've watched after that, I can only recall basketball players representing this country who are arguing a traveling call, and getting a technical foul, and complaining about that as well....even though he was, in fact, traveling, and that they don't call that anymore in the United States. And he was a bad sport on top of everything.

Then again, in '72, the entire US basketball team refused their silver medals, and for good reason; they got screwed. Look it up, it's a good story.

I remember being in Calgary just before the Winter Olympics in....uh....1988. They had this really cool museum-type thing, where they had simulators for the bobsled and the ski jump. Really cool. And then, there was that really pretty blonde waitress that stole my heart for a few days, and whom I still see in my memory from time to time.....

Oh, and there was this really good bakery called Cookies By Golly! that made, bar none, the best iced sugar cookie I have ever eaten. For those cookies alone I would have migrated North. The girl and the Olympics would have just been...icing.

I'm going to need a cup of coffee the size of Columbia.
Juan Valdez is my b**ch.

Have a good day, people. Much love.

1 comment:

Kizz said...

Chocolate has caffeine, too. And sugar. Makes a nice side dish with your coffee.