Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Olympic Random Thoughts.

Random thoughts:

Slovenian Petra Majdic is my new hero. She won a bronze medal in cross-country skiing after falling into a hole during a practice run; and afterwards, it was learned that she did it with four broken ribs and a collapsed lung. Have you ever done any cross-country skiing? You need at least three lungs, and she did it with one.

I like curling. Even though I'd seen curling before (living in Detroit, you get the Canadian Broadcasting Company) and actually tried it once when I was touring up in Calgary back in the 80's (it's harder than it looks), it took me about three hours of watching and a quick trip to a curling website to get the rules. If you saw the Canadians take on Great Britain, you saw about as good as it gets. It literally is a game of inches. And inches were the difference between two US victories and losses.

I've decided that although I'd like to see the USA win hockey gold, I covet the Swedish Hockey jerseys. Don't ask me why. And Norway is kinda cool, too.

Women's hockey is out of control; the scores were as lopsided as your average Detroit Lions game. And those girls can HIT.

Figure skating isn't what it used to be, in my opinion; the scoring is all FUBAR; so that we're seeing people fall all over the ice, trying ridiculous feats, and scoring higher than a flawless performance that wasn't quite as difficult. Even though the flaw makes the diamond, it's important that we award perfection, and not valiant effort, even though I'm not knocking valiant effort.

Snowboarding. Jury is still out.

I'll always have a soft spot for the Winter Olympics; it was the constant during a very difficult week, recently. It gave us something to talk about, something to cheer for. It distracted us, and in that distraction was the power to heal.

That's my story.


Kizz said...

Is it possible that curling is so popular with men of all ages because it's a sport of inches? There's no shame at all in getting out the big, steel protractor and finding out whose inches got closer to the sweet spot.

Misti Ridiculous said...


Kizz, FTW.

Historiclemo said...

Kizz and Zelda Ladies and Gentlement! They'll be here all week! Try the veal.

Misti Ridiculous said...

like we never left Eddy St.