Thursday, May 15, 2008

This post is kind of like watching a soap in midweek; it doesn't add anything to the story, but there might be a gem in there someplace....

Bestest Ice Cream!

If you seek the best ice cream in the world, then head west. I gotta hankering for the Doc's Java....the ice cream that sits up and barks at you.

Tell 'em John sent you, and you'll get absolutely nothing.

Bestest Place to Go to Decompress!

Mackinac Island. No cars, no bars, lots of bikes, trees, lake breezes, scenery, a big honkin' bridge in the distance, and oh, the FUDGE!

Bestest Place to Vacation if you don't care how much it costs!

This is my wife's birthday present to me. A couple of days at Bally's. Can you say, "Room Service?" I KNEW you could.

Bestest Hamburger EVER!

You know that a Quarter Pounder at McDonalds is 1/4 lb BEFORE cooking, right? Well, here at Red Knapps, it's a HALF pound AFTER. Forget your diet, get onion rings, and a hand-made chocolate malted, and then forget about eating for the next couple of days!

And finally....

Who I want to be when I grow up.

I have deliberately wasted your time today. Apologies all around.


Kizz said...

The actor or the character?

Misti Ridiculous said...

where is the burger place??