Thursday, December 27, 2007

Random Thursday....

Christmas Edition!

1. The Christmas spirit does not extend into airports.
In my job at the place where airplanes occasionally come and go, it is the custom
for travellers to heap abuse upon me and my co-workers; in this day and age, it
is apparently considered one of the perks to airline travel. To those people, I
say unto you:


Oh, and by the way; blaming me for your flight not arriving on time is like
blaming Ronald McDonald for getting a bad Big Mac. NEITHER OF US IS RUNNING THE

2. My wife gets me.
Every year, she gets me toys.
I can't wait to play with my robot.

3. One of the great things about this time of year is that all the people I don't
hear from in the course of a year come out of the woodwork, in the form of
emails, postcards, Christmas cards, etc. I absolutely LOVE that. It is so nice
to hear from people, even once a year. It's wonderful to be remembered. And it
is always a pleasure to flee down memory lane for a while.

Okay, it's short, but it's early and it's my day off so sue me.


Misti Ridiculous said...

Maybe we can get you some greyhound pamphlets to hand out whilest taking the abuse...I've said it more than once this year. Airports and Wal-Mart are the two places where the holiday spirit does not thrive. Bleagh. Sorry you get the brunt of it...should make some good writing though eh?
i think we need pics of you and the robot please sir. Indeed, she DOES get you. that's better than the wagon wheel coffee table.

Kizz said...

I've heard people complain about Christmas card only relationships and to those people I say YOU ARE STUPID. I love getting all the info and the pretty pictures and stuff like that. To you I say HEAR HEAR!

Which Robot did you get?

Historiclemo said...

To those who asked:
I received a voice activated R2-D2.
How cool is that?
It obeys different commands, rolls around, and I think I can even get it to play hide and seek.