Friday, February 1, 2008

I know I'm not supposed to laugh....


There is a certain decorum I am supposed to maintain in my line of work. I wear a uniform, for God's sake (and that's another nail in the coffin of my long-term goals, but that's another story), and although most of the people I meet in the course of my day tend to look upon me as a pest at best, and a stormtrooper at worst, I am supposed to maintain a facade that encourages respect....

So, today, I'm doing my job. The bags come by, go through the xray machine, and my associate sees something in the bag that requires further study.

The female passenger, apparently affected by this delay, begins to list the things in the bag for everybody to hear. This is not an uncommon occurrence, but it makes me wonder about people's sense of privacy.

So, she's listing.

And finally she says, "Oh, you must have found my pot."

Silence rains down upon us. It even seems as if the rather loud heating units have gone silent. The large travelling machines outside have seemed to have mysteriously wound naturally, at that moment, everybody in the building has heard this....

You can imagine that this causes a little distress.

Until we find out she's talking about a small, liberally painted flower pot.

Seriously, I laughed until tears fell out of my face.

1 comment:

Kizz said...

She went from being the most interesting passenger to the least in one small clarification. Damn!