Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Going Down Slow......

Bruce Cockburn is one of my favorites; I first discovered him in 1979, with an album called DANCING IN THE DRAGON'S JAWS. That album included one of his only serious US hits, called WONDERIN' WHERE THE LIONS ARE. We used to sing the song every time the Lions lost. Which was a lot. But I digress. I first heard this song in 1987, when I finally began to collect his works. I was especially touched by the last verse of the song, which I used as some program notes for a show I did in graduate school.

"God damn the hands of glory
That hold the bloody firebrand high;
Close the books, and end the story
Of how so many men have died;
Let the world retain in memory
That mighty tongues tell mighty lies;
And if mankind must have an enemy,
Let it be his war-like pride."

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