Saturday, July 14, 2012

As if.

I spend a lot of time tired.

Yeah, I know.  Who doesn't?

And you all know that when you're tired, things irritate a bit more quickly than usual.

I am constantly reminding myself to see the other side of the story.  And, it ain't easy.  These days, the idea of a mind open to new ideas and new interpretations of old ideas is a sign of being the dreaded, "Flip-Flopper."  As if an steadfast grip on an unexamined idea is the BEST thing to be.

As if the first idea is the best idea.

As if a committee is better at concocting a plan than an individual.

As if a "Blue Ribbon" committee is even BETTER at it.

As if people who make a living playing characters on television are automatically assumed to have some sort of special insight into the workings of the world.

As if this post you are reading is just another example of misguided narcissism.

Nature offers example that there are benefits to the irritant; eventually bringing forth lovely things.

The pearl, for example.


I'm waiting for the pearl.

As if.

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