Monday, May 24, 2010

Which is divine.

We have a hard time with forgiveness.

Okay, we have a hard time with gratitude, as well, but we handle that a bit more well than we handle forgiveness. Maybe it's the definition; gratitude is something we give under a certain set of circumstances, freely given and in some cases, a relief. Forgiveness has a slightly different set of circumstances; it's hard to ask for, and equally hard to give.

We really haven't moved that far from our club-swinging descendants (if you are, in fact, a student of evolution. If you are a creationist, we haven't moved that far from Cain. If you're a student of Intelligent Design, oh for cryin' out LOUD, it's like being Bi-Sexual. PICK A F**KIN' SIDE, already!)

Wow. I even digress in parentheticals. My apologies to Evolutionists, Creationists, and Bi-Sexuals.

My point was this: when wronged, our first thought is often (although not always) to avenge ourselves upon the wronger. Whether it's the idea that we want to ram the guy that cuts us off on the freeway, or the person that crashes into your car and puts you in the hospital...the first thing you want to do (although not always) is give as good as you get.

The teachings of Christ aim us in another direction; that the thing to do is to forgive.

To ask for it is hard to do, given the knowledge of human nature that indicates that when positioning yourself for the asking of forgiveness, you're not sure whether you're going to get the hand of friendship or the fist of "f***off!" To give it..well, it's tough to crack open Mr. Fist and offer Mr. Hand instead.

Little by little, I discover that the hard things are the right things and the right things lead to a kind of peace of mind that allows for deep sleep and pleasant dreams.

And, by the way, I cry your pardon for diverting your attention from something far more important.

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