Monday, August 17, 2009

A brief note from the unexercised brain.

Good morning to you all.

By the look of the clock, it's about 0140, and as Robin Williams is famous for saying, "What's the O stand for? OH MY GOD IT'S EARLY."

Of course, I know some people on the West Coast that haven't gone to bed yet; hell, I know some people on the EAST coast that haven't gone to bed yet, but they are young and still have some spring in their step and some vodka in their liver.

I just paused a bit for some food; I will not attempt to place a label on the meal, I'll just call it food, but for those really curious people, it's an egg salad sandwich with lettuce and tomato on a cibbatta roll. I'm guessing at the spelling of "cibbatta", by the way. Tasty, and unspellable. A few crunchy potato chips, and a diet soda.

Is it just me, or does anybody else think of the old SNL sketch, where dear old Mrs. Loopner brought in her world famous Tang and Egg Salad? And Todd would give Lisa noogies, and all would be well with the world.

I remember when SNL was something to look forward to on a Saturday night. A very good reason to have a party, and certainly something to talk about and mimic well into the next week.

I'm currently watching a re-run of MEET THE PRESS; it's not as consistently funny as the old SNL....but it's worth it just to see panelist Rachel Maddow give people that "are you really that stupid?" look.

I have seen that look a lot. People tend to use it on me in public. And in private. And sometimes, in emails. I should know better than to open attachments.
But I do appreciate a good, "are you really that stupid?" look.

You're giving it to me right now, I suspect.


Kizz said...


Gertrude said...

Of course not. And egg, yummy.