Sunday, December 15, 2013

Many a day goes by......

I can't count how many times I've looked at my face in the bathroom mirror and emphatically stated, "I f***ing quit."

It was a mantra several times in the 1980's.  In fact, it was a mantra that got me through some very tough times; for I felt that if I could say it, out loud, and MEAN IT, then I could DO it.

I had an exit strategy.  And that was enough to go on for one more day.

My current job has done a lot for the decay of my physical and mental health.  But I have pretty good insurance.  But a bad schedule.

It kind of reminds me of a book I remember reading when I was very young titled, WHAT GOOD LUCK!  WHAT BAD LUCK!

Such things as:

What BAD luck!  You fell out of the plane!
What GOOD Luck!  There's a Haystack to break your fall!
What BAD Luck!  There's a pitchfork in the haystack!
What GOOD Luck!  You miss the pitchfork!
What BAD Luck!  You miss the haystack!

It goes on like that for awhile.

The good luck is that I'm no longer butting heads with my new boss; we've reached a kind of reasonable peace treaty, shook hands and had done with it.  I admitted I was occasionally inflexible, but to my credit, it's a kneejerk reaction and NOT a long standing tradition.....I resist change right off the bat, but after about thirty minutes, I'm ready to concede.  And I also admitted that I was frustrated with every Supervisor coming through my office making it their first priority to adapt the culture to themselves, and not themselves to the culture.

As if changing seven minds is much easier than changing your own.


Anyway....there may be something more my speed coming down the pike, but I'm not holding my breath or fashioning any resignation letters....yet.

My eyes ache (no new glasses as of yet) and I've begun the holiday eating far too early.

And I went to a delightful Christmas party last evening, sponsored by my favorite Wife's employer.  They are a fun bunch of folks, and it was worth it to be sitting here with no sleep.  And let's face it; I've burned daylight on less fun stuff than that.

And yes, it's snowing.  And yes, it's cold.

And the wheel turns.

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