Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rack 'em.

Well...the weekend was busy busy busy.

I wrapped up a show at one of the local colleges.

It's always fun to do them; you get the opportunity to get your teeth into a good role, you get a little more leeway from the director (but still, some reallllly good notes), and you get to witness the evolution of the young actor; you get to see them climb a few rungs on the ladder.  And sometimes, you get the feeling (however fleeting) that perhaps you have something to teach just by doing.

But it's also nice for them to end. 

So, went home, unpacked my satch, had some dinner, and sat with my wife until the exhaustion overcame me.  Slept for eleven hours and woke up suprisingly whipped.  Did some laundry, ran some errands.  Trimmed the beard and got a haircut.  And took a nap.

Wound up the evening at the annual Lewis and Clark/Fort Mandan Foundation banquet, where the creme de la creme of Capitol City society meet.  I hung out with former Governors, famous Authors, and my Family, eating, talking and listening to speeches.

The cheesecake was delightful.

Went home, watched several innings of the ballgame, flipping occasionally to MNF (Congrats, Giants!  BOOOOO Lions!) and came to work.

I start rehearsals for another show this coming evening; INSPECTING CAROL.  It's basically A CHRISTMAS CAROL meets THE INSPECTOR GENERAL.  A farce.  A new cast filled with people I either don't or barely know.  An interesting role.

UPTA sent me a very nice email.  I sent an application ten days after they opened.  I was 1330.  I managed to score a non-singing audition on the last day in what is probably the last hour.  I'm well past my prime; I'm finally secure where I don't need to succeed in order to eat, and for some reason, I want to do this.

I have no idea as to why.

But be that as it may.  At least I CAN.  Or NOT.


I should go just to see some old faces.

And even the old faces are going to be younger than mine.

This is quite possibly the weirdest midlife crisis ever.

Most of them get the young girls and the fast cars.  I get the cholesterol, acid reflux, and the apparent feeling that there just isn't enough STRESS in my life.


Still thinkin'......

This may take awhile.  Smoke 'em it ya got 'em..........


Misti Ridiculous said...

I told a friend last night that I was starting to get itchy to be onstage. I love that you're leaping. UPTAS...I do believe sir, are where we first met. Because I was there with my Indiana group that included Bradecich, and you and he knew from a past gig...so there's that.
Go get em, Tiger(s)

Kizz said...

Imagine being the "back number" at this year's UPTAs! That'd be cool.