Monday, February 27, 2012

A small man in a big job that occasionally just.....overcomes him.

It's been a long night.

A suicide bomber killed nine people outside a US Base in Afghanistan last night.  A deluded sixteen year old took a gun to school this morning and killed one of his classmates; we may never really know why.  And our politicians not only are not contrite about the burning of a Holy Book, but are stating that they fear our freedom...when what they probably fear is something else entirely.

I hate what this thing that I do has done to my view of the world.

I wish I could enjoy an awards show.

Or a NASCAR race.

Instead, I think I'll go out and find a niece or a nephew to hug; and if I can, I'll tell them that it's going to be all right.

Because.....if I have to feel this badly, you can be DAMN sure I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that it IS all right in my part of the universe.

Love to you all.

1 comment:

misti ridiculous said...

hugs to you my friend. love love love.