Monday, May 11, 2009

If you're ticked before breakfast, you'll be really pissed before dinner.....

It's amazing what I choose to be ticked off about.

And, even as I write this down, I know intellectually that it's a waste of what valuable time I have left on the big blue marble to be ticked off about it....


I've been going to the gym lately, trying to put things back into place and perspective; it's not that I'm unhealthy, but I am not getting any younger, and if I want to get older I should take better care of myself. I'm not trying to impress anybody, truly. That would open a whole new can of "the things I choose to worry about at this point in my life."

But it's a small gym, and it has televisions just about every square inch of space not covered with exercise equipment. So, you really can't avoid looking into the images and seeing things that tick you off.

Now, I'll admit that there are a LOT of things out there to truly be ticked off about; a lot of talking heads out there on various channels, trying to convince us that they are actually talking out their heads and not their asses.....

But Rachel Ray ticked me off this morning.

She was interviewing Lauren Graham, a very nice looking and seemingly talented individual, who is, I'm assuming, starring in the most recent revival of GUYS AND DOLLS in NY.

Fawning all over, asking all sorts of questions, and marvelling at the fact that she's still alive after doing 8 shows a week on Broadway.


What ticks me off is that most of the people I know who are still working the business DREAM of ONLY doing EIGHT SHOWS A WEEK.

And they get paid crap wages. AND they have no understudy.


Told you.

Stupid thing to get ticked off about....somebody bragging about being a theatrical wimp.

In my day......

1 comment:

Kizz said...

Yeah, it's a tough call. Knowing and loving LG, I think she's actually trying to give props to B'way folk since this has been a dream of hers and she knows she's viewed as a bit of weakling for only doing film & tv. It never quite comes across the way it should, though.