Monday, April 20, 2009

Pages We Were Years From Learning.....

The other day, I posted a simple phrase on another societal web page; it was about the fine line between thinking and feeling. And I got a few comments, though none very helpful in the debate between intellect and emotion.

It's amazing what I'll fixate on, isn't it?

There are some times when you really could use a definitive. That phrase that will help you deal with the growing weight, and the lack of any real relief in sight.

There are some days when you think, if you can just get your hands around it, it will be okay. With the proper leverage, you will have nothing to worry about.

So, here is what I've come up with.

The people you surround yourself with, the people with whom you choose to spend what little time we have on this big blue marble, are the keys.

And in the long run, it's not just the way they make you feel.
And it's not the way they can make you think.

I think it's the way they make you a better person.
And the way they can make you believe that there is no ceiling on "better."

I hope that when the current takes me further down the river, that somebody can say that of me.

"He made me better."

I could live with that.

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