Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's the headache talkin'......

There's nothing wrong with me that a tree falling on me couldn't cure.

The Powers That Be at my place of employment are no longer asking, but simply assigning. I'm finding this a somewhat overwhelming trend that I'll attempt to address in the very near future.

Sometimes, Nelson DeMille disappoints.

Faulkner is like spinach. I had a bad experience with both, and haven't really touched them since. Faulkner and spinach enthusiasts, accept the apology for my shortcoming.

If you've never had a fresh Sweet Roll from the Hilltop Cafe in L'anse, MI, then you don't know what it's like to eat a planet-sized breakfast delicacy.

My study of Socialism has brought me to the following: The tenets of socialism are A) helping ones neighbor, and B) thinking about other people, as well as yourself.

My study of Christianity provides me with the same tenets.

And I said to myself, "Sit Down! Sit Down, you're rockin' the boat!"

I don't think that Socrates actually said, "I drank what?"

There was a time when I could say, "well, you've always got me." Now, I realize that the currency has devalued, somewhat.

Is it possible to be a savant, and not be an idiot? And vice versa?

Dying is hard; Comedy is easy.

In the Kingdom of the Blind, the one-eyed man is probably robbing you....well, blind.

Writing a list of random things is always easier than putting together coherent paragraphs.

Unless you're Faulkner.


Kizz said...

If you want me to shut up about it you should not taunt. It's the shortest chapter in literary history. It's both literary and trivial, can you blame me for assuming you'd know all about it?

Historiclemo said...

I'm embarassed by my lack of retention in literature I read in the 1970's. And it wasn't meant as a taunt; this continued conversation on the merits of Faulkner has permeated my mind, and I was attempting to purge it. Or something.

Gertrude said...

Giggling... you are a funny ha ha man Clemo!