Monday, August 23, 2010

The coolness of the day during a 7th Inning Stretch.

The say that Comerica Park is haunted.

Yes, the ballpark is like...what? Ten years old?

Perhaps the ghosts of Greenberg and Cobb moved over from Corktown after the b***ards tore down the old stadium at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull. Perhaps old Jimmy Hoffa, displaced from The Meadowlands, has decided to take up residence in the only outdoor park in Detroit. Or, maybe the sushi you can buy in the concourse has gone off a bit.

Sushi in the ballpark. Ye Gods.

The Bengal boys are 11 back, and although they are back to their reasonably winning ways, they are not making up any ground. I suppose it's possible to pass the Black Sox before September goes, but barring an uncharacteristic meltdown from the Twinks, it's likely we'll be watching in October.

The Post-All-Star-Game-Meltdown will get you, every time.

Still.....the third place Tigers, decimated by injury and pitching problems, still manage to draw a crowd of 37000 in a city that's equally decimated by unemployment and general dispair.

The Red Wings are perpetual playoff contenders; they've made the playoffs every year since I was in my twenties....a very long streak, indeed. They've hoisted the Cup a time or two in this decade....and that's no mean feat.

But the Tigers are the heart of the city. A beacon of light in the darkness.

Bless you, Boys.


Kizz said...

I remain forever grateful that we made it to a game in the real stadium before it was destroyed. Thanks for doing that with me.

Misti Ridiculous said...

i was just going to post about that game you and Kizz saw in the old stadium...and lookie here. the girl got to it first.

baseball rocks.