Monday, April 24, 2017

I have supped full of theatre, and theatre-like things.

I enjoy the weekends when I can involve myself with some theatre.

As I've mentioned on several occasions, there is theatre art in this Capitol city of the Northern State; mostly of the amateur variety, and I mean that in the specific definition of the word.  No money is changing hands, just a love for being in front of an audience.

Yeah, they do have a 'Broadway' season; touring programs.  I can't for the life of me figure out who's making the choices, of course....I would rather see a touring version of SOMETHING ROTTEN than another tired old re-run of ANNIE.  And I would prefer to see LA BOHEME than another tired re-run of RENT.

That aside, there is a lot of interesting things to see in the City-Squared, and though it's a bit of a drive, this past weekend was worth it.

I sat through a matinee performance of THE CURIOUS CASE OF THE WATSON INTELLINGENCE, performed at a very lovely space; in the same neighborhood as the famous Fitzgerald Theatre, home of the famous Prairie Home Companion.  The play is....well, it's a interesting piece; it transcends time, the line between fiction and reality, and just when you think it's going to fall flat, it comes together to make a kind of sense that doesn't necessarily resound, but haunts.

Also got a chance to sit in on an evening at ComedySportz; a fun little improv theatre.  Good house, some decent performers....laughed out loud a lot, which I rarely do when I'm alone.

I also got a chance to sit in on a performance from The Red Throated League, an off-shoot of the Sherlockian Society to which I belong; they do radio theatre with all the bells and whistles.  They do it regularly....once a year or so.  It was fun to watch the audience engage completely with this reader's theatre thing; the true visual entertainment is to watch the sound effects table.  Marvelous work.

And in an incredible lack of foresight, I neglected to check the Tigers' schedule, and failed to notice that they were playing in town this past weekend....I really need to keep my eyes more open to that kind of thing.

And I walked around a huge Mall, which is pretty interesting...from an overwhelming mercantile perspective.

And now, back to the work at hand....

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