Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How can I stop feeling it?

I was watching Rachel Maddow.

I love Rachel Maddow.

She reminds me of my friend Regina.

But tonight, Rachel Maddow scared the crap out of me.

She did a story on this phrase that's showing up on bumperstickers, and t-shirts, and teddy bears: Pray for Obama: Psalm 109.8

Now, before you all start running for your King James, here it is.

Psalm 109.8 says, "May his days be few; may another take his office."

Okay, there's nothing I can write here that does justice to the horror that this level of crazy inspires in my soul; anything I can possibly come up with would pale in comparison to what comes in Psalm 109.9:

"May his children be Fatherless; and his wife a widow."

Out of.

I don't want to live in this country anymore. It's become dark, and mean-sprited, and xenophobic, and Canada is only 150 miles away. And I'm sure they'd welcome me with open arms, eh?


Gertrude said...

But you are not dark and mean spirited and you are here too. So yes, crazy makes the news. Crazy winds up serving time. We don't do crazy. And when it creeps its way into our lives, when it grifts in... or tries to and rings the door bell... I say change the clucking channel or don't answer the clucking door. Its your choice. We all have one.

Reg said...

I do love her hair. And I love her brain. So, if I was the Regina in question, thanks!