"Eldraad Must Live."
I have followed the BBC series Doctor Who since I was in high school; and yes, that was a long time ago. My first Doctor was John Pertwee; and his companion was a plucky lass by the same of Sarah Jane Smith.
I had a huge crush on Sarah Jane Smith.
I followed her through the Tom Baker years, through Daleks and Sontaarans and finally, Eldraad, in The Hand of Fear.
And then, just as the call came from Gallifrey, she was gone.
My heart broke a little.
Yeah, she reappeared later, and I was grateful to see her again. It was joyous to re-live the old episodes in my head, and get that resolution that came with her re-appearance during the Tennant years.
Back in '85, I had a friend of mine send me an autographed photo of Ms. Sladen, from London; she had appeared at some function and he told her that she had a huge fan in the North of Michigan...and she signed the photo, "To John With Thanks for the Affection. Lis Sladen."
Alas, the photo was lost in the Great Storage Flood of '98, but the memory lives on....
Elisabeth Sladen passed today after a battle with the C.
She will be missed by friends, family, and a huge fan from the North of Michigan.
well SHIT.
I had no idea THATS where this post was heading.
Godspeed dear lady who my friend loved.
someday I hope to be a really cool Dr Who follower.
I've been sad over her loss as the news eked out yesterday but I didn't cry about it until just now. Yeesh!
You were lucky to have that connection with her.
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