Friday, April 1, 2011

Back at the desk.

My mind wanders.

I'm watching some law enforcement program; it looks like ten guys in riot gear lined up outside a door, and they all run in after some guy who's wanted. Shock and Awe.

But it reminds me of that scene from LIFE OF BRIAN, where all the members of the People's Front of Judea are hiding under tables, or behind curtains, and in tramps a Legion of Centurions.....and all they find is a spoon.

Or, that scene from THE BLUES BROTHERS, where the SWAT guys are "Hut-Hut-Hut"ing about.

It would be silly if it weren't so dangerous.

Further wanderings...

I don't like the thought of getting older; I don't like thinking about the future, when I have a present to live in. But the guy I pay to think about those things is assailing me with "Long Term Care" insurance, so more money thrown at my fictional future.

And, memories of my Mother. Which is one of the reasons I've put off the guy who I pay to think about these things for so long.....I wasn't ready.

Still not ready.

Further down the wandering....

Don't you hate it when a guy you traded away hits a game winning home run off of the guy you traded him for?

Yeah. Me, too.

F***ing Yankees.


Don't you hate it when a team out of playoff contention comes into your arena and scores 5 goals in the 20 minute second period to make your guys look like sissies?

Yeah. Me, too.

F***ing St. Louis Blues.


How long has it been since I saw anything creative that really inspired me to do something that aims at greatness?

Too long, I fear.

I wonder if I would really recognize it if it came along.

But secretly, I wish for it every day, and pray for it every night.

Talk to you soon.

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