There is, of course, also talk of a REAL statue of ROBOCOP to be erected and displayed in Detroit.....and this is just what a major city of 771,000 people (down 200,000 since the last census, by the way) needs.
But that's not really what I want to talk about.
I want to talk about the Statue of Snake Plissken in St. Louis, where a majority of ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK was filmed.
No, I don't want to talk about that, either.
I was thinking about ROBOCOP, and that invariably leads me to Peter Weller, the star of ROBOCOP...and THE ADVENTURES OF BUCKAROO BANZAI.
If you've never seen this movie....well, I'm not actually going to recommend it, because half of you reading this will appreciate the whimsy and the eighties kitsch, and the rest of you will claim that I contributed to the death of several of your brain cells, so...caveat cinemarium.
But I love it.
I love it because Peter Weller is so understated, he might actually be in a fugue state.
I love it, because John Lithgow was so over the top, there was not one piece of scenery unchewed.
Clancy Brown, the hardest, most underrated actor in show business in the late 80's early 90's.
And Jeff Goldblum. And Christopher Lloyd as John Bigboote. (BIG BOOTAY!)
I think I was one of like a dozen people who saw the thing in a theatre. It did not achieve it's cult status until HBO and Videotape brought it to the masses. Kind of like MAD MAX.
By the way, I also saw WIRED, which was a terrible, terrible film about the life and death of John Belushi. I was the only one in the theatre. The box office attempted to bribe me to leave. I should've taken them up on it. Bad. Bad. Bad.
Thank goodness Michael Chiklis survived it.
Okay. It's time for me to watch a film. I'm thinking AMAZON WOMEN ON THE MOON. I'm in the mood for Don "No Soul" Simmons.
You need to watch that film, too.
1 comment:
Also for you Detroit/Robocop viewing pleasure. I think you will laugh.
I haven't ever seen Bucakroo Banzai. Know nothing really about it. Must try.
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