Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I am tired of the Voices of Upheaval; and am ready for the Voices of Reason to Prevail.

I'm putting forth the idea that Sunday, May 1st, should be declared, NATIONAL TAKE A DEEP BREATH DAY.

There is a lot of Bulls**t being spewed out on our Nation's airwaves....a bit more than usual, and a bit less interesting than the usual Bulls**t.

Now, I've said before (and you can look it up, if you want to scroll through oodles of blog entries) that I may completely disagree with what you say; my gorge may rise at the very sound of your voice, spewing whatever nonsense comes into your pin-shaped head.

But I will fight to the death for your right to say it.

But we need a level of debate here that goes BEYOND the Fourth Grade Playground crap we've been forced to listen to from a certain thrice-married, twice-bankrupted individual who combs his hair with some kind of rake device.

Did you, sir, not only question our President's birth, but also his high school grades, and did you suggest that perhaps he got his Ivy League education not because he worked for it, but because he had some kind of...shall we say...racial stepladder?

And then, did you go on to say, ON A NATIONALLY BROADCAST NETWORK, that you couldn't prove it, but you believed it just the same?

I will, in fact, fight to the death for you right speak your mind.

But you can't yell FIRE in a crowded theatre. And you shouldn't be able to slander a man ON A NATIONALLY BROADCAST NETWORK for the sake of entertainment.

Because, you can say it's entertainment; but a majority of this country who believe that you are actually running for President see it as 'political fact.'

And that is very dangerous.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen: I'm going to see how much clout I actually have. On May 1st, at Noon Eastern Time, I want everybody to stop what they're doing, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly.

Take a moment.

Quoth Gandhi:

Keep your thoughts positive,
because your thoughts become your words.

Keep your words positive,
because your words become your behaviours.

Keep your behaviours positive,
because your behaviours become your habits.

Keep your habits positive,
because your habits become your values.

Keep your values positive,
because your values become your destiny.

Thank you for listening.

1 comment:

Misti Ridiculous said...

On May 1st, I shall be watching many of my friends and thousands of others run a marathon in rememberance of the people that died here on April 19th.

I will clap and cheer and cry and I will at noon, take a moment to remember how blessed this life is. And how blessed we are to live it in this country. And how most every third person is a fuckwit, but even the fuckwits get to have their voice.

Not because we like what we hear...but because by God, that's how we roll.

breathing in.
breathing out.

i heart you.