Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Portrait of the actor as a waterfall.

Dress rehearsal number three.

Temperature 98 degrees.

Heat index 120 degrees.

"Hey, Mother Nature!  You think you're so HOT?  I still got SWEAT GLANDS!  I'm still SWEATIN'!  BRING IT ON, BITCH!  I've worked in the DESERT!  I"ve worked in GALEVESTON!  I've seen HUMIDITY that would send a CROCODILE cryin' home to his MAMA!"

Talking trash to Mother Nature in a blog entry is far more socially acceptable than doing it from my front porch.  Just ask my neighbor.  He'll agree with me.

Not that I did that.

Not on my front porch.

It was actually on my back deck.

And I wasn't in costume.

As far as you know.



Misti Ridiculous said...

I feel your pain bubba. It's so hot, I've quit wearing underwear.

Kizz said...

Those are some snazzy red kicks you're sporting there!