Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I will often dream of returning......

Yes, I'm home.
I have supped full of images and ideas, sights and sounds of the various parts of England, and yes, if I have an opportunity, I'll return again.  And I encourage you all to go; or to return to it.

I don't think, even after a few days of sorting through the pictures and mementos of the trip, that I can even begin to put it into words, except to say this:  if you've ever been in a place you've never been, and felt comfortable....well, that's pretty much it.

What can I show you?
After exiting Paddington Station, I walked a block in one direction (my hotel was only three blocks from the station) and came across this sign on the side of St. Mary's Hospital.  My response was, "that's fortunate, for syphilis was invented on the floor below."
Iconic images abound.
Everywhere you look.
And Legends, as well, as I discovered as I stepped out of the Baker Street Underground Station.
And just so you know, I purchased a Deerstalker Cap at the Sherlock Holmes Museum.  And I sat in the great man's chair.
And I saw a show at the Globe Theatre on the Thames.  Dr. Faustus.  Pretty amazing.
I wish I could show you some of the sites from the road to Cornwall, but the roads and the tracks of the train are sided by large rock walls, or tall plant life, or both.  It kind of looks like this.....
There were a couple of times that I feared for my life.  But only a couple.

There were two surprises along the way:  The first was that around St. Austell in Cornwall, there is a walking path called, 'Clemo's Way.'  I believe it is named after a Cornish poet by the name of Reginald John Clemo, called Jack Clemo.  There was no sign indicating the path itself, but it did start here:

Every small and large town in Cornwall has a church as a centerpiece.  Truro's was especially beautiful.
But this is the image I enjoy the best; the one that just screams quaint and Cornish and country and city all wrapped up into one.

My poor photography skills belie the images in my head, of course, but I've done what I could.  And towards the end, the camera was not behaving, and I was forced to use my phone, and I haven't transferred those yet.

So, a few more days of rest, and back to work.  But boy, oh boy....I wouldn't have missed this trip for the wide world.


Kizz said...

Glad it was everything you wanted it to be.

Misti Ridiculous said...

So glad you got this!

ChromePlatedGirl said...

A Clemo's Way sounds much more pleasant than a Harms' Way.