Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oh, HELL no.

I was watching The Suze Orman Show over the weekend.

I am sure that she is a wiz when it comes to money matters; I have occasionally watched when people call in and ask her permission to buy something, and after getting all sorts of information from these people (and probably secretly selling that information to News of the World...oh, wait...never mind) she stands as the last Court of Appeals of the Financially Challenged...and if you're really cockeyed, she'll make fun of you before she says "No."

But she says it in such a way that instead of wanting to burn her studio to the ground because she's denied you your right to buy a fancy car when you're already $80,000 in debt, you actually THANK her.

The other day, she was talking about how much money you'll have if you work to a certain retirement age.  And, with a big smile and a tone of voice that exuded the feeling that, "What I'm saying is a GREAT idea!", she suggested that I would have far more money if I worked until age 70.


My first thought:  "Well, F**K that."

In fact, that was my second thought, and my fourth. 

My third thought was to look in the Yellow Pages to find the address of her studio, and if I could find my gas can and matches.

Sure, Suze...I'd have all that extra money, and absolutely no energy to spend it.

Seventy, my ass.

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