Friday, March 6, 2009

Tristed Dweams.

I have been under the weather lately. I thought it was a twenty four hour thing, but it seems to have signed a long term lease, and it comes and goes like Amy Winehouse in the news.

Not a very good analogy, but if you read the above, you'll realize I'M SICK, SO GET OFF MY ASS!

I'm pretty sure I had a weird dream last night. Something about running over the rooftops in London. I was younger, certainly. Then, I found myself in a very small flat, and the owner of the flat who seemed to have a lot of daughters, accused me of stealing both the sherry and his collection of iron pyrite. My penalty, apparently, was to take up with his oldest daughter, and move into the very small flat. I distinctly remember having to move around the flat by moving other pieces of furniture...kind of like a bizarre Rubik's Cube.

I'm hoping it's the cold medication that's causing the weirdness. I'm also hoping that it's the cold medication that's causing the increased lethargy. Seriously, I'm even more lethargic than normal. I'm sleeping until seven am.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to deal with the everyday monotony of Homeland Security.

I'll be in touch......

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