Monday, March 2, 2009

Apocalypse Whaaaaa?

I don't know kids, but it seems to me that there are a lot of people out there thinking that the end of the world is coming.

I don't think the world can actually end until we all memorize the words to REM's "The End Of The World As We Know It"...and that's going to take some time. I've got the "Leonard Bernstein" part down, but so far, everything else is a jumble.

I was watching MSNBC the other night, and somebody named Rachel Maddow was interviewing some guy who claimed that the election of Barack Obama and the move in this country toward socialism is a key sign that we are heading toward the Apocalypse.

To quote ANGEL: "There's always one of THOSE around the corner."

Now, I know some people are going to blame the recession and the coming depression on our new President (and he is new...the country still has that "New President" smell), as well as anything else that they can concoct....hell, some people are even calling him "Jimmy Carter, Jr.", which I think is funny, because it was a Republican President that seriously f****ed up the country in the first place for poor Mr. Carter, and then the Republican congress just kind of ran him over......but I digress.

But to blame the coming Endtimes upon him? Isn't that a little much? Especially since the Bible tells us of the ending of the world, but doesn't give us any clues on how to stop it....merely the rules regarding how to survive it long enough to be brought into heaven. So, it's gonna happen. A cardboard cutout of Larry the Cable Guy dressed in a Tutu and sporting an AK47 in one hand and a bottle of Jack in the other could ALSO be a signal for the Apocalypse. But he stills sells out in Bismarck.

And what's the deal with the big, bad socialism, anyway? When 20% of the population controls 80% of the wealth....well, does anybody remember Rome? And Rome, in some small way, was brought down by the rise of a cult of religious fanatics, following the teachings of a man named Joshua Ben-Joseph, called The Christ by some, who was, in fact, the FIRST SOCIALIST.

If you look at the teachings, you'll see what I mean. There's a reason the word "Charity" keeps coming up in the teachings of The Christ.

And yet, religions in this country are more than willing to decry this movement toward equality because?

Because it will affect...their....coffers.

And I'm pretty sure that another sign of the Apocalypse is money changers in the Cathedral. Pious men that make Tartuffe look like St. Michael.

We cannot stop the world from ending if the Gods that we believe in choose to drop the curtain on this rapidly aging vaudeville show. And we can damned sure agree that without an abandonment of self serving religions, and a pure faith , mankind will always fall back upon it's baser instincts, which is "lookin' out for number one."

If the Apocalypse arrives tomorrow, I'll see you when I see you.
If it doesn't...well.....I'll see you when I see you.

Tick Tock.

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