Thursday, February 2, 2012

I believe.....

I believe that there is nothing that cannot be overcome by positive thinking and a croquet mallet.

I believe that the words, "chocolate flavored" should be replaced by "no fucking chocolate."

I believe that the Republican Party can make this country what it once was:  A frozen wasteland covered with ice.

I believe that there are good movies released BEFORE the first of August.  Academy opinion notwithstanding.

I believe that you can love some people forever, and not like them all of the time.

I believe that STUDIO SIXTY ON THE SUNSET STRIP got hosed.

I believe that THE PLAYBOY CLUB did not.

I believe that if ten thousand people a stupid thing, it is STILL a stupid thing.

I believe that TWILIGHT is a stupid thing.

I believe, against all logic, that the addition of air into chocolate makes it tastier.

I believe that Cadbury FLAKE is the best chocolate bar I've ever tasted.

I believe I'm finished.


Kizz said...

Really? Milk chocolate over dark?

Gertrude said...

I believe that I agree with everything you said.
There should never be anything artificial... chocolate or otherwise.