There was a little.....upheaval.....last week, and it's thrown off my balance, timing, wit, and sleep cycle just a bit.
I would like a new view, though. Bismarck by night through the west window of a circular building just isn't doing it for me anymore.
That reminds me a time when my Father took me to the roof of the Edison building in downtown Detroit; he was doing a little emergency surgery on something in the building, and I looked out over the great city in decline, lit up on an early summer's night.
I laughed a little. My Father asked why.
"Because from up here, you'd never know that it was a sh*thole."
Ah, memories. And perhaps an apt metaphor for life through another person's eyes. One man's beauty is another man's sh*thole.
Or, in another way, it could be proof that, "if ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." Sometimes, NOT knowing is infinitely better than knowing.
Oh, boy......stop now. Too much to think about on that thread.

*Based upon my current mental state and the picture at the end of the post, I was going to call this post "Cochran Blocked", but juuust couldn't do it. But, because it IS funny, I had to mention it.
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