Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oh, just KILL me already.

Greetings from the Frozen Hell I call the Northern State.

On the second day of Spring, it began to blow, and snow, and sleet and this weird other thing that can only be described as snit. A whole crock of snit.

It began at shortly before 8 AM. It's still going....and if you're not looking at the clock, it's 10:05 PM. And it's supposed to stop sometime on Thursday, I think.

Yeah. I moved here. Shut up.

The only thing that makes it bearable is nothing. NOTHING MAKES IT BEARABLE. NADA. ZIP. ZILCH.

Moving on.

It's been a terribly sucky day, my friends.

I lost a friend today.

More to the point, I drove my friend away. And then systematically erased my friend from every piece of electronic memory bank I have, like a scorned lover.

I had to do it. But I didn't like it. But no matter how much I desperately needed a friend here, my distinctive crazy would not let it happen. I tried to shout down my crazy, but it's loud and been around a lot longer than my ex new friend.

So, I'm angry. Which isn't new.
And I'm broken in the heart. Which DEFINITELY isn't new.

But I'm resigned. And that's new.

F***ing snow........


Ralph said...

Tell us how you really feel John

Misti Ridiculous said...

sometimes the part of our brain that knows we must clean house, that knows we must walk away from the crazy, that recognizes the signs and tells us that we don't have use for that in our lives anymore...sometimes that part of our brain is a big asshat.

but it's usually a correct asshat.

I'm sorry for what you're going through.

i lurve you.

and that fucking weather up there??? come visit. it's mid 70s today and my purple hycianths are blooming.

Gertrude said...

The snow will melt.
Isn't it funny how we think as friends we can say one simple thing... make one simple statement... and it will all melt and go away...
and be better.
However that in mind... that is what friends do.
You have many. And you are cared for across miles.
And none of us think that you are angry. Strong, smart, kind, wise, observant, self aware.
All those things...
love and light Clemo.