Sunday, August 29, 2010

On the treadmill, the scenery never changes.

I don't know how many people joined Glenn Beck on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial yesterday; I was, as you can well guess, asleep. But, I'm pretty sure that Mr. Beck (never one to eschew an opportunity for self-promotion) will re-run it on his show on Monday.

I'll probably miss that one, too. Sleeping is more important to me than Mr. Beck. In fact, having a burning umbrella shoved up my rectum is ALSO more important to me than Mr. Beck, so you get the hierarchy here.

While I would like to bury the messenger under several tons of Ostrich feces, just for kicks, I do not deny that the message has a certain....validity. Restoring America.

But restore America to what, exactly?

Steve Martin once said, "I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was.....a frozen wasteland, covered with ice."

A very funny man named Tom Lehrer writes songs about the old days, when we could "whop slaves and sell cotton."

People fondly remember the days of 1950's, when families were families, everybody sat down to dinner at the end of the day, the language was clean, and...well....only certain people had the right to vote and sit anywhere on the bus that they liked.

Is there any time period, in the whole of American history, where we didn't need to worry about something? Polio? Indian attacks? The McCarthy Hearings?

Mostly, what I saw in the pictures of this noble example of First Amendment freedom was..well, the 'Have-Nots.'. And the 'Have-Nots' in this country are getting restless.

I have always attempted to believe in the Horatio Alger myth; that hard work and dedication will be rewarded, and not just in the next life. You work your way up. You take the good examples; you become a reliable person; a good friend; somebody who would help a stranger as well as a neighbor, in any way you could. And you would prosper.

It seems, in this day and age, that the 'Have-Nots' are fully resentful of the 'Haves', and rather than aspire, they resent, and with that kind of prevailing wind, the only outcome is burning down the Mission, storming the Keep, and One Tin Soldier rides away.

Now, they have an enemy. The Dad Gum Gov'Ment. If the government would just leave them alone, they'd be all right. So, it's the institution, and not the populace that has actually PLACED the institution that's to blame.

As the old saying goes, "We get the government we deserve."

So, I guess where we want to go is back to State's Rights. That whole thing we fought over in 1861. Can we do that? Are the States ready to take up the slack that the Federal government has been holding since the 1930's? Are some states ready to have the military bases pulled from their states, and are the states ready to finance social security?

Are we all ready for a little Soylent Green?

Really.....if we look simply at the New Testament, we see that Christ tells us to render to Caesar what is Caesar, and render up to God what is God's. So, even Jesus was for the separation of Church and State.

Christ also said something about doing unto others, blessed are the cheesemakers (which I believe refers to any manufacturer of dairy products) and blessed are the Greek.

(This has gone to hell very quickly.)

Look at the MONKEY!

Look at the SILLY MONKEY!

(At this point, lacking a proper ending, Historiclemo runs for it....)

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