Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can you believe it's the middle of August already?


I'm Historiclemo. And I'm suffering from a lack of motivation.

I can remember, as a younger Historiclemo, that I had phases, like the lunar orb. Today, they call it "bouts of mania", but back then, it was called, "a positive mental attitude toward work." One day, I'd be sitting on the couch, with a rapidly shrinking pile of books, and a rapidly increasing pile of pizza boxes, and then next day, I'd be painting a mural of Jake and Elwood on my dining room wall. (It's still there, I understand....the apartment is rented primarily to college students, who have a fondness for Jake and Elwood, even in this day and age).

So....sitting at work. Staring at the same stuff on the same walls. Listening to the workings of other places on my handy dandy world phone. I can tell you that Albany is having a really tough morning. But it's only there, and no other place, so go back to sleep, I got ya covered.

Oh. A commercial. I wonder just how long you have to have your ass on the AbGlider before you see any results? Probably longer than my patience has.

I have been, as of late, on a buying spree, book-wise. Yes, the used bookstores around the country (ah, forgive me, around the WORLD) have me pegged as a touch. A couple of rare finds (a reasonably priced hard cover copy of A CANTICLE FOR LIEBOWITZ, and a hard-to-find hard cover edition of THE BOOK OF MERLIN) and copies of some of Douglas Adams' lesser-known works...and of course, JOHN ADAMS. And I think I have a few Sherlock Holmes pastiches....and there was an Edwin Booth biography out there someplace.....

Have gone into a "jazz" period on the Ipod. Or, "big band", depending on when you were born. Dorsey. Berigan. Harry James. The Firehouse Five and the Preservation Hall Jazz Bands. Billy Cobham, because I already have Gene Krupa.

Maybe I need some Mason Williams....Classical Gas. But then, I'll want Winchester Cathedral...and then it's anarchy on my Ipod.

As I've said before: There hasn't been decent music since Skynyrd's plane went down.

Finally, in this mishmash of thoughts and ideas, my dear friend Ms. T. Ridiculous has the feeling that somethings in the air.

My friend: some of the best things that ever happened to me happened just AFTER I had that feeling. That I was just a couple of inches away from something...interesting.

Go with it.


Gertrude said...

No matter how you might feel about your life there is always someone out there that thinks "That sounds great." I long to go book scouting! Good for you for knowing what books are of value... the mention of a good hardback copy made me tingle. And an Ipod... this, I need to get. I don't have one. I still have all my music strung out on cds every damn place. Clemo... you are still the shizzle to me.

Misti Ridiculous said...

Thanks babe. I love you for your endless support...