Thursday, October 9, 2008

Portrait of the writer as insignificant.

Boredom is, of course, the death of creativity.

I believe somewhere I once wrote that cliche is the death of creativity.

But that has since become, well....cliche.

So, now, boredom is the death of creativity.

And before you start sending me a list of things I could possibly do to stave off this boredom, I say with all fondness: SAVE IT. I'm not interested in staving it off; in fact, I prefer to wallow in it for awhile.

Boredom is the new self-pity.

I had a dream the other night that summed it all up. I was told by the image of my true love that the doors of Shangri-La were closing, and that I was never to have access again.

In the face of that knowledge, lethargy and sloth, and yes, BOREDOM, seemed the best option.

And you have to admit, it's a step up from "profound sadness."

And, as REO Speedwagon says, you gotta roll with the changes.

This is me, rolling.

Roll, roll, roll, you dolt,
Till you want to scream.
Verily, Barely, Warily, Scarily,
Life is Ovaltine.

You can't be deep and significant all the time.

1 comment:

Kizz said...

Boredom is underrated. Starving kids in Africa are too hungry to be bored. Kids in war zones are too busy collecting fresh water and shit. Here in America we're free to be bored if we want to and dammit, some days I want to. It's part of why it was totally OK with me to take the no-internet bus back from the funeral. I had a book, I tried to read a little, I hate sitting on a bus and just staring out the window, it's BORING. But hey, that was the only thing that helped.