Monday, October 6, 2008

Knock Knock. Who's There?

I opened the door, and the past came flooding into the present. I don't regret for one minute opening that door, but I will admit to a touch of bother trying to put everything into an order that I can deal with.

So, I'm suffering just a bit.

Someday, I should be able to tell the story. But I cannot just now.

I will tell you something that you all already know; when I love, I love deeply, truly, and forever. That hasn't changed; and it won't. I don't see it as a flaw. I see it as one of the few blessings I can always count. It means that I can feel something, even when I don't think I can anymore.

So. To sum up: door opened; suffering a bit; love forever; still feeling.

Talk to you soon.


Gertrude said...

Do you mind if I quote this post on my blog because everything it says I feel now too?
Thank you Clemo. Every word says... you are not alone.
And I so love words.

Misti Ridiculous said...

it's catching.
I think all of us have a slight case of the knock knock who's--KABLAM!!!!!
Clemo, it's that time of year. it ALL comes back are, however, loved. to beyond space and time. to the moon and back.