Friday, September 5, 2008

The Shining City on the Hill has Homeless Citizens Living in the Streets.

I always hope that something will surprise me, and am most disappointed when I'm not.

But there was a moment where he could have been my candidate.

There's an old adage about what an American truly is, and please understand that I'm paraphrasing it, but it goes something like this:

We are founded upon a principle that states that you will fight to your last breath for a persons right to say what he thinks, even though you would shout from the rooftops your disagreement with him.

At that one particular moment, when the few dedicated to calling out their dissension where being manhandled by security, the candidate had an opportunity to live that belief. He could have brought them down to the stage, given them their moment, thanked them for their continued service to the process, and he would have had my vote.

Instead, he referred to it as "static."

In the end, his message was one of party unity; not unity of country.


1 comment:

Misti Ridiculous said...

yup yup. those protesters were loud and crazy and while I don't think it would have bode very well if he'd have invited them down to speak, I think he certainly could have made YOUR point, about our freedoms that he fought for. it would have been the quintessential moment.
but all we got was static.
we got no options.
we got no alternatives.
we got no new ideas and approaches.
we got static.