Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Will My Vacation Never Come?

It's already been a long week.

My job takes me around the state from time to time. I am a DHS version of Sam Beckett; I travel from place to place, putting right what once went wrong, and blah blah blah. I think I've used the QUANTUM LEAP joke before, so I'm just going to let it fade out like the end of a PINK FLOYD album.

The last couple of days was in a place called Grand Forks. It's not far from Canada, and right on the ND/MN, you get a multitude of cultures. The work is not hard, but it is exhausting, and time seems a bit ssssttttrrrreeeettttccchhheeeddd because I'm starting my vacation on Friday.

And trying to watch the end of the All Star Game last night didn't help.

Oh, and applying for a new job at the company.

Oh, and did I mention I have house guests? My Niece, Nephew, and three adorable grand-Nieces. Or something. The cats are spooked.

Now, I must be off to figure out just what the hell a SF-50 is, and why I'm supposed to fax it to this number.....

1 comment:

Kizz said...

Yay for vacation! I'm sorry that the next three days will last 14 years because vacation starts on Friday.

Fingers crossed for the new gig.