Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Woes...

I have always been convinced that the human brain has a finite capacity for the storage of information; which means, eventually you fill up. AND, when you DO fill up, every new peice of information forces out another peice of information; and the problem with THAT is, you have no say as to what information is deleted when the new information comes in.


In comes: Hannah Montana, Zach and Cody, High School Musical (1 & 2), The Jonas Brothers, and The Cheetah Girls....

Out goes: My mother's maiden name. Several passwords to accounts I still use, some that are a royal pain to change. Most of the third act of HAMLET. The lyrics to IT WASN'T ME by George Thoroughgood. AND the recipe for some of my special Christmas Cookies that I should have written down, but thought I'd "get to it, eventually".

Information gone forever.
All because of the Disney Channel.

It occurs to me that occasionally, one of my relatives could come across these missives, and misunderestimate my ramblings. Let me reiterate....
But I continue to be amazed at just how LOUD they can become.

Well, tomorrow I'm off again to the thriving metropolis of Grand Forks, North Dakota, to continue the enlightening process begun two weeks ago. Hopefully, it will be painless.

It will certainly be quieter.

A bloody JET ENGINE would be quieter.
(I have practical experience in this regard)

Grumble. Grumble.

1 comment:

Gertrude said...

Its Mad Cow or the Reagan disease... may be when the Disney Channel packs its bags and returns to where it came from... your memory will return to you.
A bit of Celine humor from your last post... truly cheese... but "its all coming back to me now!"
I have it too. No worries. We will all forget together and forget what we forgot to remember.