Sunday, December 30, 2012

Despite all logic, Happy New Year.

I would like to see people be less concerned with the resolutions of celebrities, and more interested in...well....just about ANYTHING ELSE.

I would like to see the NHL to start playing again, so I can boycott them.  Do they even REALIZE how difficult it is in DETROIT right now?  Tigers got smoked; Lions suck; Pistons are so far past sucking that the light from sucking won't reach them for a decade.....

I would consider my life fulfilled if I get the opportunity to make Tina Fey laugh.

I would like to finish just one writing project.  As I recall, I've written that before.  Last year at this time, and the year before that.

Does this count as a writing project?

1 comment:

Kizz said...

No, it doesn't count. My resolution (voiced online a couple of times so far) is: Write. Every day. At least 15 minutes. Not blog posts.

A chance to make Tina Fey laugh would be cool, too. A chance to make Craig Ferguson laugh, too, I'd really like that. I think I could do it but maybe not on my first try.